Our Story
Global Organization for community Services is a compassion based organization providing spiritual, Food, clothes, education, Jobs and physical aid to hurting people and Homeless and local people in Need in an around bay area .
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy
- Rabindranath Tagore
Global Organization for Community Services releases children, adults from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty, autism, domestic violence. The goal is for each child, adult to become a responsible and fulfilled human being. !!
Compassion means “to suffer with” and is an emotional response of sympathy. But it’s not just a feeling. The feeling is combined with a desire to help. Because we have compassion, we want to take action and help the person who is suffering.
One of our mission is to help the unhoused, homeless and those at-risk in rebuilding their lives by helping homeless people overcome the critical issues of homelessness and poverty in and around our cities.
We also provide opportunities for Kids, Youth, Adults with opportunities to serve on various community service projects ranging from Stem cell research, Ayurvedic Treatment, Teaching Leadership, Communication and Coding classes to Kids/Youth, Skills development and Job oriented trainings and much more with an aim to create and develop People with Confidence, Self Esteem, and self reliant.